I’m currently working on an installation piece inviting people inside an immersive, soft, tactile “bog.”

Photography, Animation, Sound Design, Soft sculpture, Storytelling & Games

I had the privelege of visiting several of Washington’s remaining protected bogs, and will use the images I captured as well as soft sculpture, storytelling, sound, and movement.

What does it mean to know a place?

What happens if we embody the beings that live there?

Bogs have long been considered wasted land—dangerous and disease-ridden, waiting to be drained, harvested for fuel, and planted with crops.

In the anglo imaginary, they’re sites of myth, with their corpse flowers, bog bodies, and foul “malarial” airs. They’re now being valued as powerful carbon sinks in the speculative carbon market.

I want to share them as the ancient, gorgeous, & teeming communities that they are.

Little Tommy Morris

Children’s book illustration

Gouache & Watercolor